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HOMEFRONT 2011 2.78gb ONLY!!

This presentation is easily the strongest thing Homefront has going for it. And considering I'm a huge fan of alternate history and future history (as well as movies like Red Dawn penned by John Milius, the game's writer), the plot and themes certainly resonated with me. I liked the story that's told and how focused it is. I enjoyed the characters, and I especially enjoyed how everything melded together to create a compelling environment for a shooter.

In terms of gameplay, however, Homefront is unremarkable. That's not to say that it's not fun, because it is. But while Homefront tries to do everything different with its presentation, it doesn't buck any trends with the way it plays. This is a shooter you'll be familiar and comfortable with, but it's not a paradigm-shifting product that will force you to think about shooters differently. You'll be aiming down the sights of assault and sniper rifles, chucking grenades (with a laughably bad animation), and killing loads and loads of enemies. This is classic shooter fare.



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