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Assassin's Creed 2 RIP [2.7 GB] [Single Link]

The game is set in the 21st century, with player-controlled protagonist Desmond Miles escaping from Abstergo Industries with an employee, Lucy Stillman, after being forced to relive the genetic memories of ancestral assassin Altaïr ibn La-Ahad through a machine known as the "Animus". After escaping from Abstergo, Desmond enters a device which is more advanced than the original Animus, the Animus 2.0, and relives the genetic memories of ancestral nobleman Ezio Auditore da Firenze, who lived during the Renaissance period of the late 15th century in Italy. The player controls Ezio, who becomes an Assassin after his father and brothers are murdered by a traitor to the Auditore family. While controlling Ezio, the player can explore game renditions of Italian cities, regions and landmarks in open world gameplay.

System Requirements:

Intel Processor - Core 2 Duo E6750 2.66GHz
AMD Processor - Athlon 64 X2 Dual Core 6000+
Nvidia Graphics Card - Geforce 8800 GT
ATI Graphics Card - Radeon HD 3800 series
RAM Memory - 3 GB
Hard Disk Space - 8 GB
Direct X - 9


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